Facebook Your Passion

Start the Conversation and use social media to reach the unreached

Do you have 30 seconds you could invest to help reach thousands in Asia with Christ’s love? Sounds unbelievable doesn’t it? But really, it can be a breeze!

How to get involved:

  • Follow GFA on Facebook and Twitter
  • Share / retweet our posts
  • Invite your friends
  • Post links to the free book
  • ... and much more

GFA Social Channels:

Just 30 Seconds to Spare

When you join 'Facebook Your Passion', we'll equip you with the common sense tools to effectively make the unreached part of your social world.

You'll get graphics and snippets of text about what God is doing in Asia for you to integrate into your Facebook (or other social media) posts, or you can post the snippets directly onto your wall or other social media feeds. In the future you will also have the option of ordering a collection of conversation-starter cards, which will allow you to quickly share an aspect of God's work through GFA World with anyone whom might be interested. Invest 30 seconds of time and make an impact on eternity!

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