Many years ago, as a young believer, I was encouraged to go into full-time Gospel ministry work. Unfortunately, I resisted that calling. This was something I always regretted doing. Also, I've had a longstanding and abiding interest in Asia - the history, peoples and religions of the entire continent (from Turkey [Asia Minor] in Western Asia to Japan in Eastern Asia). In June of 2018, I was laid-off from a telecommunications company, which started me on the path to finding new employment. I had several "good" interviews; yet, the hiring manager would always choose someone else to fill the position. Four months went by until in late September and early October, I earnestly started to pray to Lord to open a door to a position which would bring glory to Him. The Lord answered my prayer very quickly. I was contacted by my pastor regarding some open positions at GFA. With in a few days of interviewing at GFA's headquarters, I received a call to become a full-time staff member at the ministry. So now, I am helping to reach the teaming multitudes of Asia, and in a different way, I answered that calling from so many years ago.
My background is in project management/ project coordination. While I was interviewing for a position, I was asked if I was detail-oriented. I explained one needed to be detail-oriented in order to coordinate the successful completion of a project. I was asked about Strategic Giving, which is part of Ministry Partnerships. I said I would be very open to go where ever the ministry thought I could fit in the best. In Strategic Giving, I work with individuals who leave a bequest in their will or from a trust to GFA. I also work with donors who support the ministry with their IRA Charitable Rollovers. In addition, GFA's donors can support the ministry by raising livestock or selling crops; they can give any type of vehicle (running or not) to the ministry. In all of these endeavors, I make sure the donor's preference for supporting the ministry is carried out.
Ministry Partnerships
My interests are rather eclectic: I am very interested in history - both Biblical and world; science has always interested me including biology, fractals - the interplay between numbers, archeology, geography, and astronomy; philosophy - Western in general and Jewish in particular (as it relates to the Old Testament). I learned to read Biblical Hebrew as I wanted to know God's Word for myself. Learning New Testament Greek is still on my "to do" list.
You can help provide for a member of the Mission Support Team for as little as $50 per month. For each monthly pledge to GFA World’s Behind-the-Scenes Missionary Fund, you will receive a packet that includes the photo and personal information of a behind-the-scenes missionary you can pray for and contact. (To pledge more than $50 monthly, please call us at 1-800-946-2742.)
Whatever role the team member plays in their administrative office—from contacting ministry supporters to processing donations or designing web pages—each one fills a crucial need within the ministry and enables more than 100 national missionaries to minster in Asia.