Sponsor Ruth

My GFA Story

When first reading "Revolution in World Missions," it was exciting to know that I could actually be a part of reaching Asia with the love of Jesus by sponsoring a national worker. A couple years later, as I was seeking the Lord for what would be next in my life, He led me to apply for staff at Gospel for Asia. During my time here, He has grown my heart in love for Him and for reaching the lost. I am so very thankful for the privilege I have of serving Him alongside dedicated brothers and sisters. 2nd Corinthians 5:14-15 explains my heart in serving at Gospel for Asia: "For the love of Christ compels us, because we judge thus: that if One died for all, then all died; and He died for all, that those who live should live no longer for themselves, but for Him who died for them and rose again."

What I do

I currently serve in the Finance Department at Gospel for Asia. It is exciting to see what God is doing through the faithfulness of our sponsors and donors and our brothers and sisters in the field to reach many with the love of Jesus.

More About Ruth

Where I'm from


Where I Serve


Favorite Bible verse

Favorite Field Ministry

Hobbies and Interests

Reading, photography

About Partnering with Behind-the-Scenes Missionaries

You can help provide for a member of the Mission Support Team for as little as $50 per month. For each monthly pledge to GFA World’s Behind-the-Scenes Missionary Fund, you will receive a packet that includes the photo and personal information of a behind-the-scenes missionary you can pray for and contact. (To pledge more than $50 monthly, please call us at 1-800-946-2742.)

Whatever role the team member plays in their administrative office—from contacting ministry supporters to processing donations or designing web pages—each one fills a crucial need within the ministry and enables more than 100 national missionaries to minster in Asia.

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