WILLS POINT, Texas — Gospel for Asia’s “Forgotten Christmas” campaign is inspiring children in America to remember others in faraway lands who lack even the most basic necessities. And their efforts are bearing good fruit.
“Forgotten Christmas” encourages people to remember the true spirit of the season by donating what they can to worthy recipients across the globe. Gifts large or small can have a lasting impact on Christian workers or struggling families abroad. For example, $15,000 can provide a place of worship where many believers can gather to worship God. But a gift of just $11 can buy a pair of chickens to provide food for an entire family.
One church youth group in Poughkeepsie, N.Y., is working to raise funds for a family in Asia.
“Right now, we have our eyes set on a $460 water buffalo!” their leader said. “A gift like this can be used to provide milk for a family to drink and to sell, as well as be used to plow and fertilize fields.”
Americans spend about $600 million on Christmas gifts every year. But many of those gifts are later returned, discarded or forgotten. For Christians, giving items of real value to people in need fulfills the command of Jesus to love our neighbor as ourselves. And in the process, we discover the blessing of giving with no expectation of return.
“It’s so inspiring to see young people responding to the message of ‘Forgotten Christmas’ by giving to those who have fewer advantages,” said Gospel for Asia’s founder and director, Dr. K.P. Yohannan. “They’re following our Lord’s example of self-sacrifice, and experiencing joy and blessing in the process. It shows how the gospel is taking root among this new generation of believers, and that’s very encouraging.”
Individuals, as well as pastors who would like to involve their churches, can find out more at
Those who would like to get started can find a resource kit at
And many of Gospel for Asia’s “Forgotten Christmas” supports are described in its Christmas Gift Catalog, available at

Through this year’s “Forgotten Christmas” campaign, a gift of $460 can provide a water buffalo for a family in Asia. As little as $11 can change the lives of an entire family by providing a pair of chickens.
GOSPEL FOR ASIA ( has – for more than 30 years – provided humanitarian assistance and spiritual hope to millions across Asia, especially among those who have yet to hear the Good News. Last year, this included more than 75,000 sponsored children, free medical services for more than 180,000 people, 6,000 wells drilled, 11,000 water filters installed, Christmas presents for more than 400,000 needy families, and spiritual teaching available in 110 languages in 14 nations through radio ministry.