Pray for GFA’s Mission Support Team

GFA’s Mission Support Team is made up of men and women serving behind the scenes in GFA’s administration offices. Their hearts are set on helping the people in Asia, and they serve as the vital link between GFA supporters around the globe and ministry on the field. From their desks, they help the widows and the homeless, those trapped in desperate poverty, and those whose hearts cry out to know a loving God.

As they serve in various roles in GFA’s administration offices, attend and lead prayer meetings and live in a Christ-centered community, these behind-the-scenes missionaries need prayer, just as the national workers they serve do.

Thank you for serving behind the scenes, too, as you intercede for our brothers and sisters in the Mission Support Team.

Pray for Stamina and Focus

Just like anyone else, behind-the-scenes missionaries can feel worn down from time to time because of their vigorous schedules and the normal ups and downs of life. Some sacrifice their personal time to give extra time in the office, viewing their responsibilities more as a calling and a joyful sacrifice than a job. But everyone faces distractions and weariness at times, including those in the Mission Support Team. The need for daily refilling of the Holy Spirit is crucial.

Please pray these brothers and sisters will find the strength and joy they need to keep going and stay focused as they serve the Lord. Pray they will abide fully in Jesus every day.

Pray for Strong Community

Behind-the-scenes missionaries work together and live near each other, often lending a hand to help one another. Whether that be repairing a broken vehicle, mowing lawns, bringing daily meals to new parents or comforting one another after the loss of a loved one, each family and individual desires to be the hands and feet of Christ to the people around them. Community events and gatherings, such as picnics, prayer walks and game nights, are also ways the Mission Support Team grows closer together in unity.

Please pray for deeper love, greater encouragement and stronger unity to be the outflow of their lives. Pray they will be able to labor and serve together well for the sake of the many coming to know Christ’s love.

Pray for Community Prayer Times

Every weekday, the GFA community prays together multiple times to refocus and remember their dependence on God for all things. They also gather for weekly Tuesday night prayer meetings, monthly extended nights of prayer and bi-monthly half days of prayer and fasting. During these prayer times, they lift up needs around the world, on the field and within the GFA offices.

As they participate in and lead these prayer meetings, please ask God for pure and ready hearts to enter into intercession. Pray God will increase their faith as they continually come before the Lord in prayer.

Pray for Health

It is difficult to serve the Lord in any capacity when your body is not functioning properly— whether it’s back pain, headaches that make it difficult to look at computer screens, allergies that keep you locked indoors, or any other health complications. Many behind-the-scenes missionaries deal with health challenges, sometimes on a daily basis

Please intercede for the health of our behind-the-scenes missionaries. Pray the Lord will heal those who are unwell and protect the health of everyone who serves. Pray also for encouragement for those who suffer from chronic pain.

Pray for Those Raising Children

There are many families serving the Lord at GFA’s administration offices. Parents and children are united as they grow together assisting and serving the needy in Asia with the love of Christ. It is their collective mission as a family, and they know serving as behind-the-scenes missionaries is a team effort.

As couples learn how to build a home together and parents raise their children in a ministry environment, each family unit needs prayer support.

Please pray the Lord will bless families with grace as they balance serving the Lord and serving their families. Pray children will grow deeply in love with Jesus as they watch their parents sacrifice and serve. Ask the Lord to give these precious kids soft hearts for the things of God, and pray they will find it a privilege to be part of strengthening the Body of Christ.

Pray for Those Supporting the Mission Support Team

Just like the national workers in Asia, behind-the-scenes missionaries need financial support and prayer to uphold them as they serve the Lord through their office work. Every missionary needs a support team to stand behind them with prayer and monthly financial help so they may provide food for their table, gas for their car and a home for their family.

Please pray with us, that many people will partner with and pray for those in the Mission Support Team.

  Print these prayer requests out for your convenience.

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