Pray for GFA-supported Radio

Since 1986, God has used GFA-supported radio programs to bring His message of love to people across Asia. Radio broadcasts can cross treacherous terrain to share with people who are hungering for a love greater than the world can offer. Walls cannot keep this faithful messenger away, so hope-filled programs can be heard within prisons, hospitals and even brothels. Listeners often contact radio stations to ask questions and receive prayer, encouragement and discipleship.

Radio broadcasts are forerunners for other forms of ministry. There are times when national missionaries arrive in new areas only to find fellowships already thriving there because of radio.

Please join us in praying for GFA-supported radio in Asia and for the lives God is touching through its messages.

Pray for Those Who Record Radio Broadcasts

GFA-supported workers write and record their own radio broadcasts. They saturate each message in prayer to allow the Lord to use them to speak words of hope to listeners. Each program requires an average of four hours of studying, writing and praying. Radio broadcasters may have to travel through dangerous terrain or conflict-laden regions for several days just to reach a recording studio.

Ask God to protect broadcasters as they travel and to lead them by the Holy Spirit as they prepare radio messages. Broadcasters request prayer specifically for God to raise up more young broadcasters.

Pray for Radio Listeners

Millions in Asia have had little opportunity to hear of God's love for the world or of the gift He gave us through Jesus. But through radio programs, many have found peace in Christ and even experienced physical healing. God often leads listeners to radio broadcasts that speak directly to their situations, showing them His power and unique care for their lives.

Pray that many more listeners will find eternal hope and healing in Christ through radio broadcasts.

Pray for Those Responding to Listeners

In one year, GFA-supported radio ministry receives more than one million responses from listeners. Specially trained teams of correspondents are ready to respond to each letter, email and call they receive, but they need wisdom from God as they do so. Many listeners express their despair, addictions or even suicidal thoughts, which require insightful and timely replies from radio staff.

Please pray God will guide radio correspondents in their communications and strengthen them emotionally as they minister to many heartbroken people.

Pray for More Radio Programming

Radio programming is currently aired in more than 110 Asian languages, yet there are hundreds of other languages spoken in Asia. It is very difficult to find qualified broadcasters who speak these less common languages, as well as teams able to assist with correspondence.

Please pray God will provide programming in additional languages so more people can hear of Christ's love.

Pray for Believers Being Discipled by Radio

Radio programs provide a way for believers to mature in their faith, which is especially valuable for those living in areas that have no local church. When a believer has no other Christian nearby, encouragement, comfort and counsel received through the airwaves are precious gifts. Illiterate believers also have the opportunity to learn more about God's Word as they listen to solid teaching on the radio.

Pray God will raise up mature disciples through radio broadcasts.

  Print these prayer requests out for your convenience.

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