Pray for Vacation Bible School: sharing the love of Jesus Christ with children and their parents

Bible lessons, action songs, games, competitions . . . Do these things remind you of Vacation Bible School?

VBS programs in South Asia often look similar to the VBS programs you may have witnessed, volunteered for or participated in. The programs effectively use fun and edifying activities to engage children and show them who Jesus is.

Each year, hundreds of churches led by GFA-supported pastors conduct VBS programs to help children in their communities learn how much Jesus loves them.

Will you please pray with us, asking God to bless VBS programs in South Asia and use them to open children’s eyes to see the glory of His Son?

Pray for the creation of new curriculums.

Whether the theme for the year is "Running to Win," "A True Friend" or "Super Hero," the heart of VBS remains the same: that children will understand who Jesus is and how much He loves them. An effective curriculum speaks to children from a wide variety of backgrounds, showing them how they are valued.

Please pray God will guide GFA-supported workers as they create and translate a new VBS curriculum each year. Pray the curriculum will glorify the Lord and point each child to Him.

Pray many children will attend.

GFA-supported missionaries pray that more children will be blessed by VBS each year. But for that to happen, the Lord has to give children an interest in VBS and motivate parents to send their children to VBS.

Please pray many people will hear about VBS and parents will be excited to send their children.

Ask God to give teachers wisdom

The pastors, missionaries and believers who teach VBS bear the challenging task of communicating Christ's grace to children from a variety of age groups. These VBS teachers need the Lord's help and wisdom as they prepare for VBS and minister to the many children who attend.

Please ask God to fill VBS teachers with His love for each child, and ask Him to guide the teachers as they prepare for the program.

Pray for children's hearts to be changed by Christ's grace

Regardless of the children's cultural, religious or economic backgrounds or their life experiences, each child at VBS can experience the love and acceptance of Christ.

Please pray God will use VBS to instill in each child a desire to learn about His love for them. Pray even children who come to VBS with angry or sullen attitudes will leave with new hearts.

Pray parents are impacted

Parents often catch a glimpse of the Lord's love when they attend a presentation on the last day of VBS, hear their children share the scriptures and songs they learned, or get the opportunity to meet and build relationships with the VBS staff.

Please pray parents will be excited to learn more about the God whose love drives VBS. Pray for good relationships to be built between parents and the VBS staff.

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